IGNOU percentage calculator online

IGNOU percentage calculator: Calculate your score easily

IGNOU percentage calculator online

Indira Gandhi National Open University is one of India’s best open and distance learning schools, and it is in New Delhi. 

It gives students a range of postgraduate and undergraduate degrees. A lot of students take different courses.

One of the challenges that students face when studying at IGNOU is calculating their overall percentage or grade point average (GPA). 

University follows a grading system that uses letter grades to evaluate student performance in each course. 

Students can use an IGNOU percentage calculator online to determine their overall score or GPA based on their grades in individual courses. 

This tool is useful that can help students calculate their cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and an overall score based on the grades obtained in each course.

This article will help you determine your score calculation.

Why do we need an IGNOU percentage calculator online?

A percentage calculator can be useful for students who want to calculate their overall score or grade point average (GPA) based on the marks obtained in their term-end exams. 

There are several reasons why a student may need to use an IGNOU percentage calculator online:

To know your overall performance

Using an IGNOU online percentage calculator, you can easily calculate your overall result or GPA, giving you a clear idea of your academic performance.

To plan future studies

Knowing your overall percentage can help you plan your future studies, such as deciding on specialization or applying for higher studies or jobs.

To check eligibility criteria

Some courses or job applications may have eligibility criteria based on minimum percentage or GPA. By using this, you can check whether you meet the eligibility criteria.

In short, an IGNOU percentage calculator can be a useful tool for students to calculate their overall score or GPA, which can help them in making informed decisions about their academic and career paths.

IGNOU marks calculation

They calculated the percentage by adding the marks for the assignments and the TEE paper. 

Management conducts semester exams twice a year, in December and June. These exams are called TEE.

The university follows a percentage based on a 30:70 split in the subject; they determine a student’s performance based on how well they did on their TMA (30%) and how well they did on the final exam (70%).

For the master’s degree course, students should get at least 40 out of 100, with 20 out of 50 on their TEE. 

If a student fails the theory test but gets 50% on the assignment, then the students have to apply again in the exam.

How to calculate the IGNOU percentage

The grade card will say that students who got 80% or more are excellent, 60% to 79% are very good, 50 to 59% are good, 40% to 49% are satisfactory, and below 40% are unsatisfactory. 

University doesn’t use numbers with a decimal point and will round up the score in the offense.

Before you figure out how to use the IGNOU Percentage Calculator, you should know these things.

For example, if a student got a 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 25.4, or 25.5 in any subject, their grade card would say “25.” If they got a 26.6, 26.7, 26.8, or 26.9, their grade card would say “27.” 

They will use a different way to determine the score for each subject.

To figure out the percentage, add all the exam points and divide by the number of subjects.

IGNOU first division percentage calculator

Indira Gandhi National Open University follows the same grading system as other universities in India. 

Here is the breakdown of the IGNOU grading system:

  • Unsuccessful Below 35% 
  • Pass 35% to 49.9% 
  • Second Division 50% to 59.9% 
  • First Division 60% and above
  • A minimum of 60% is required to get a first division in IGNOU.

IGNOU percentage calculator online

Students can easily figure out their scores even if they don’t have access to the internet.

Before that, the students need to know how they did in theory and on their assignments for all of their classes in the semester. 

The university will give marks out of 100 for both activities.

The students must turn their theory and assignment grades into a 30:70 ratio.

Here, we show you how to figure out the IGNOU percentage calculator application in a few easy steps. 

See the points below for more info on percentages.

Let’s take a look:

  • The students have to add up their marks from all their courses.
  • Then, make a table and write the marks for each subject separately.
  • The mark for theory should be 70%, and the mark for TMA 30%.
  • Now, take 70% of the program’s theory marks and 30% of the assignment marks and add them together to get the aggregation.
  • Now, add all the amounts to get the total number of subjects.
  • Here, divide the total by the number of subjects in the semester.

IGNOU marks calculator for grade card

As we said above, TMA will be worth 30% of your grade, and theory exams will be 70% of your grade. So, for example, if a candidate has 90 marks on the assignments on the degree card, they will get 27 marks, and if a candidate has 70 marks on the TEE theory exam on the grade card, they will get 49 marks.

So the total number of points for that subject is (27 + 49) = 76. 

Using the same method, candidates must determine and add their marks for all courses. 

To determine the percentage, the candidate must divide the total number of points by 1200.

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